This being our last week in Binghamton, we're trying to make it quintessential. Last Friday night, we walked to our favorite downtown restaurant and ate a sumptuous Last Meal. We walked to our home away from home, after, as we've done so many weekend nights before. Monday, I checked out my favorite of nearby antiques shops, and came home with a little bit of treasure.
The print was the first thing I claimed. It's of Acadia National Park, a stop on our honeymoon road trip. How could I pass that up? It was in amongst a crate of old cards, pictures, postcards, and brochures from all over the country-- whoever they belonged to must've done a lot of traveling. The McCall's magazine (from 1925) I chose as a source for vintage fashion plates and other cool things-that-might-end-up-framed someday. (A gallery wall is in the works for Gilbertsville.) And lastly, the crate: Lotz Bottling Works, Binghamton, NY. What can I say? I'm sentimental. I'm thinking it might look cool mounted on the wall in the entry way, as a place to stow gloves, a leash, a balled-up knit hat. That's my current thinking, anyhow.
Tonight, the quintessential theme continues: our last chance to root for the home team, and eat bratwurst, at the ball park.

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