Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Follow your bliss (or, how to avoid colliding with a semi)

Commutes are funny things. Now that driving to and from work takes an hour out of my day, I've found myself adjusting to the Communte Mindset. Zone out, transition, tune in. I like it. There's no shortage of verdant pastureland, lazy riverbanks, and frowsy flowering trees on my daily drive. It's relaxing, a good time to put the day behind me and start thinking about the evening.

Yes, sweet evening. How shall it be filled? Faced with the six sweet hours at the end of the workday, what, exactly, would be the optimal combination of activities to occupy it? Yesterday, in between the frowsy trees and munching cattle, I started fantasizing about stitches. In my mind's eye, I blissfully considered the perfect tidiness of a machine-sewn seam. I craved the beautiful orderliness of straight stitches, the way they transform ratty raw-edged fabric scraps into the nicest of projects. Suddenly finding myself oblivious centimeters from the bumper of a semi, I roused from my reverie and shook my head: had it been, in fact, two weeks since I'd last applied a foot to my trusty sewing machine pedal?

Yes indeedy, two weeks. This would explain my momentary obsession, then.
Once home, I sought relief from my symptoms by applying one pair of Gingher dressmaker's shears to a few ratty raw-edged scraps. Patient status: cured.

The fabric you might recognize from here.

Stay tuned tomorrow (hopefully!) for a quick little pouch tutorial.


  1. That pouch is adorable. It will be fantastic for the evenings I only take my teeny little purses that don't have room for fatso, my overfilled wallet. I look forward to instructions :)

  2. Great post! You always make me laugh. And a very cute pouch too. I adore those 4-5 hours too. I feel like I won the lottery every time I walk into the house and say, "I'm home!"

  3. A(nother) reason to pull out the industrial snap press. Hallelujah. And you watch out up there--I enjoy your blog way too much for you to crash into a truck.

  4. Thank you for commenting on my post called Humphrey, it made me laugh to think he actually resembles a chracter from a film, ive never seen that film so it was a funny coincidence. Now you've mentioned it however i'm definately going to watch it, i'm intriqued!
    Great Pouch! i agree completely i have an hours commute in and out of London everyday so zoning out does wonders on the train, you can just sit back, take in the view and listen to your ipod ahhh bliss lol!

  5. Hi Kristina, thanks for visiting my blog. I can't take credit for the beautiful photo that is my banner. I found it on flikr, I went back to find it again to post a photo credit and couldn't locate it. :( I hope that if the photographer ever sees it he or she won't get mad.

    Your project is so cute,I've been sewing this whole week, and now I have taken a break to work on an embroidery project.

  6. Hi Kristina,
    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, it allowed me to link back to yours and I love it! I can totally relate to the commute, I spend just over an hour each day for a measly 34 mile round trip. I use this time to unwind and I come up with my best ideas sitting in the lovely Orange County Traffic!

  7. Hi Kristina,

    I can definitely relate to your itch to sew. Sometimes I'll have every intention of sleeping late on a Saturday and can't shake the urge to switch on my sewing machine!

    Just be safe! Sewing addiction is very dangerous, as your post illustrates. Cute pouch, I'll check back for the tutorial.


  8. It's like you have come into my house and looked at my craft idea journal. I was planning on making one of these one day - but without the snap. I think I'll use a plain ol' button.
    Thanks for the tutorial! I'll definitely be using it.


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