There's nothing like a cool breezy late-afternoon devoted to a sputtering pot of chopped vegetables. There's a recipe in the original Moosewood cookbook I've always been tempted by. It seems so simple, and unusual-- chopped summer vegetables (onions, corn, carrots, green beans, bell pepper, broccoli, zucchini) sauteed in oil until tender, mixed with two pureed potatoes, nutmeg, black pepper, thyme, and a quart of milk. It was definitely tasty, ladled over toasted sourdough bread cubes and spiked with a little Tabasco.
And, because last week Patrick brought me a quart of vanilla yogurt accidentally when I wanted a quart of plain yogurt, and I had a scone recipe that features yogurt, I made Lemon Yogurt Scones. Wow, they were good. Even better was bundling half of them into a tupperware, still warm, and shuffling over to assail our neighbors Jen and Corrine as they pulled into the driveway. A drive-by sconing. How do you like that.
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