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Betty & Wilbur Davis State Park.
Wooo. Things are calming down. As fall sets in, expectations drift off. With canning marathons comes full shelves, and with full shelves comes the realization that I don't really need to can much else. HOORAY!
So Saturday comes and we can go for a hike. I have missed hikes.
This was actually a terrific weekend: one of those where you hit everything you want to hit, the life maintenance stuff AND the fun stuff, too. We hiked and went to dinner in Cherry Valley; Friday night we had a big fire and stayed out late under the stars. Yesterday Patrick had a show and I stayed home and dried basil and blanched cauliflower. That on-top-of-it feeling is really nice to get back to.
And in other exciting news, the house is going to be DONE this week!! My 9am-noon house-painting commitment is going to be UP, and I am going to be jubilant. Oh yes. Of course, my attention will immediately turn to inside projects as soon as the outside ones are done: baseboards and crown molding and fixing the ceiling in the laundry room. But these things are small, compared to painting a house. Indeed.
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