(In retrospect, this is one of the greenest things I've ever done. When we got married 2 1/2 years ago, I received extremely generous, near-daily deliveries of registry gifts packed in enormous, sturdy boxes. I knew we were going to be moving someday. Our house has a cavernous, mostly empty attic. I kept the boxes, and yesterday I was so thankful.)
This is our back kitchen. We are moving. It is really happening.
Sniff, sniff. Before I started doing any major packing, I walked around and took pictures of "the way it was." Someday, when we're gone from this place, I'm going to be very glad I did that. My mom tells me all the time how much she wishes she had pictures of her & my dad's first apartment. Patrick and I never had a first apartment, but we had a first house. As much as I'm eager to get to Gilbertsville, this Binghamton house will always have a place in my heart. Firsts are like that.
Good thinking on the box saving and the picture taking!
Oh, to have a cavernous attic again............
Super exciting! I definitely wish I had taken more pictures of our first few apartments. I can remember them distinctly still, but I still wish I had taken pictures so when my brain stops remembering I could look back.
SO EXCITING!!! if you need help Zoey is really good at schlepping stuff... actually, she would be very good at helping you UNpack!! give a shout if you need us for hard labor OR just company!!
I may take you up on that. Patrick is going to be out of town A LOT with the new band. I'm biting my nails, just a little. :)
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