In happy celebration of my first work-free Saturday in a long time, Patrick and I enthusiastically got out of Dodge this weekend.

We stood in warm winds by the water.

We welcomed green things.

We rejoiced in sandal toes!

We stopped by old cemeteries. (This is one of my favorites, the Old Covert Cemetery.)

We greeted coltsfoot.

And when our day was over and we returned home, we brought it inside with us, to remember.
Nothing can possibly beat the feeling of being on the lam with the one you love. Not that we were running from anything, really, just embracing the chance to shirk away responsibility and enjoy each other. The projects can wait. The work can wait. This one was ours: an eighty degree April day. And we took it.
Where did the weekend take you?

What a nice getaway! Glad the weather is gorgeous there.
Bill and I were out and about 3 nights in a row!!! Amazing for old folks like us.
Thursday: out to watch basketball and hear live music.
Friday: Traveled a couple of hours to Bill's homeplace to visit with his folks. His son, daughter in law and our new Grand Baby met us there. Friends dropped in too.
Saturday: Late afternoon - local Street Festival, picnicked our dinner on the street, then on to 2 different restaurants for MORE live music. We saw 3 of our favorite bands/performers with in one block and afternoon/evening.
Sunday: We were exhausted!
Sounds glorious! This weekend actually kept me inside the whole time! I caught up on many crafts and I loved every minute of it! I snuck out occasionally to chase the dog in the backyard or walk around the block, but mostly, I was glued (ha ha) to my craft table. It was fantastic!
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