Big pots on the stove. Sharp knives abundant on flat surfaces. Red ooze on the countertop (and the floor, and the cabinets, and the walls...). It's tomato season. When I spied those first ranks of tomato-boxes at
Frog Pond on Tuesday, I knew it had come. I spent Wednesday night flinging seedy pulp into my biggest of big pots, making a colassal batch of tomato soup (which disappointingly tasted like Spaghetti O's). Last night was a girls-night canning soiree with
Colleen, in which we canned rather a lot of pizza sauce.
Yes. Tomato season. We have waited so long. You are messy, and fleetingly brief, but joyous. We're glad you're here.

Tomato season is one of my favorites! But the tomatoes in my garden are still mostly green. Here's hoping the blight stays away from me! Buying them at the farmers' market is a pretty good idea too...
I lurve that knife. You're lucky I didn't pack it into my tote and kidnap it. I mean, I have paring knives, but who knew porcelain was so wondrous? I love you. Thanks for listening and teaching me a thing or two.
You want the best tomato soup recipe ever created?? The Frugal Gourmet to the rescue!!!
Tomato Soup Recipe
The Frugal Gourmet by Jeff Smith
6 ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 TBS butter or oil
3 cups chicken soup stock
1 cup milk or cream
Salt and pepper to taste
Celery leaves for garnish
Saut the tomatoes in the butter or oil until they are tender. Mix the tomatoes with the soup stock, and simmer for 20 minutes. Run the mixture through a food blender. Put back into the saucepan, and add milk or cream and a pat of butter. Heat, and serve with celery leaf garnish.
Serves 4 to 6.
I used to make this several times a summer at home... :droolage at remembering::
Madsilence-- That sounds delicious, but can you can it? I actually have another tomato soup recipe (for canning) that I'll be trying next year. Thanks for the recipe!
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