Saturday, December 20, 2014

Breathe, return to center

This is how it's supposed to be. Saturday afternoon. Christmas cookies. Carol of the bells. 

I spent all week in the Bronx, with my aunt. I always love being with her: she's a sunlamp radiating sweetness and warmth, even in dark times. Even when she's recovering from surgery and traveling headlong towards scary months of chemo. This is a recent development-- sudden might actually be a better word-- and in between reeling, I have moments of grace where I feel completely and satisfactorily sure how this will play out: it will suck, but she will have me with her. 

My place is to provide whatever I can to get her through this, just the latest insult heaped upon the sweetest, gentlest person I know.

Yep. That's how it's gonna be. She's gonna lick it-- kung fu karate chop it is more like it-- and sweetly hand it its walking papers. That's her way. 

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1 comment:

  1. Ah, if anyone can get her through this - it is you!!! Great picture!


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