Busy is the girl with three jobs. That's me. Two years ago, as you might be tempted to read in the archives of this blog, I had zero jobs. I spent my days productively, canning and growing and wifing and home-making, and it was thoroughly enjoyable. I didn't necessarily want a job, but I knew that to move forward with life, one was necessary.
And then one came along. I started taking care of Patrick's grandmother in April of 2009. Then I started working one or two nights a week at Cyber Cafe. And then, recently, because my two other jobs aren't particularly creative or intellectual, and because neither one of them have anything to do with what I went to school for, I started writing for Grow and Make.
The cafe and the writing will continue for September, but the grandmother care will not. I will spend my time at home, where I love to be, especially in the cozy-ing up time of fall.
Get back to me on this, house-wifing is seriously addictive.
hey if you're just hanging out canning some day let me know - Z & I will swing by!! :)
Will do!
hope to be there someday, too! and might i say, this is mightily impressive, at your age (mine!)!
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