Friday, April 10, 2009

Seeing signs

Scenes from yesterday afternoon:

Dapper little wintergreen, surveying his mossy friends.

Courting geese.

The unbelieveable hot-pink alder flowers. They're a complete surprise, every year.

Trailing arbutus buds waiting, waiting.

I hope your weekends are filled with skirt weather, good friends, and warm rainshowers. And lots of petals.

1 comment:

  1. I love that top photo- it feels like a fairy would live there. I found your blog from a comment you left on my blog- yes- I made those stamps from my banner. I found these great soft white blocks at the local art store and they are so easy to cut into. Almost too easy- you have to be a little careful but it was so much easier than those hard old linoleum blocks!


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