Friday, April 17, 2009

Refashion #7: Indian pajamas

Person in line for lunch: Nice dress.

Me (also in line): Thanks.

Person: Did you make that?

Me (blushing): Yeah.

Person: Oh cool! Really nice fabric!

Me: Thanks!

I couldn't screw up the courage to tell her I'd made from a pair of pajamas. Indian pajamas, but pajamas nonetheless. It's thoroughly titillating to be wearing nightclothes in public, even if they have been refashioned into something less pajama-y.

These pjs were a set: a longish nightshirt with a high collar and 3/4 sleeves, and an extremely high-waisted pair of pair with tight button cuffs. So funny. I was able to get two articles of clothing out of the set-- a summery blouse from the top half of the nightshirt, and this dress from the bottom of the nightshirt with an improvised yoke top. An empire waist, a few box pleats, good to go. And I won't be caught dead wearing them together, don't worry!

Beginning to think I have better luck when I eschew pattern-following. Hmmm.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


  1. Very pretty fabric. Be proud of your nightclothes and scandalize the neighborhood. Why not..:)

  2. That must have been one giant shirt to yield two garmets?! I love it! I'm getting into the no pattern thing, as well.

  3. Thanks guys!

    Melissa-- I find not using a pattern way more rewarding than following someone else's instructions. Oh, and in order to get two items out of these pjs, I used up most of the fabric in the pants, as well!


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