Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome, September

See the Pete cat? Keep looking.

My garden is his favorite place, and it's pretty awesome. I can't tell you how many times I've been out there, weeding or harvesting or just checking on things, and he's popped out with a chirp.

Sweet thing.

The garden is late-season slumpy. I'm still not really getting tomatoes-- the damn deer eating green tomatoes all July really cut into the season. But, the soup beans are drying on the vine, and the green beans are rebounding, and I have a nice row of carrots that are about ready. It's getting to be greens season, and I am glad about that. I'm not really ready to let go of summer, but at least I know the nice weather will last another couple of weeks. And I plan of soaking up as much sun as I can. 

Hope everyone is spending today doing something fun and relaxing. 

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Kaity said...

Pete is a stud-muffin!

Your garden is divine, thanks for sharing it. Seems like you figured out the chicken coop, no invasions for a long time!! ; )

Kristina Strain said...

Hi Kaity. I'm afraid Pete is well aware of his stud muffin status! He's conceited.

Keeping the chickens in their run, and fortifying the run (see here: has been key to keeping them safe. We learned our lesson!

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