Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November hike


This weekend, inexplicably, it was sunny and mid-60s. Thank you, November, for a last parting shot at Indian summer before winter sets in for keeps.

I'm feeling in need of a little bloggy-break for maybe a week or so. I've been wanting for content lately-- it gets harder in fall and winter, with the early evenings and lack of green things outside. If any of ya'll have ideas for things I could write about-- or things you'd like to see more of-- please give me a shout! 

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kelly said...

i always look forward to recipes and food pics, and general house updates. (PS thanks for the paint recommendation!)

Kristina Strain said...

I haven't done much in the way of recipes in awhile-- that used to be a mainstay. Not sure what's changed, but, thanks for the note!

Meand3Jays said...

Sewing, cooking, recipes, What I'm Wearing (haven't seen one of those in a hot minute!!), canning, chickens!

Meand3Jays said...

Sewing, cooking, recipes, What I'm Wearing (haven't seen one of those in a hot minute!!), canning, chickens!

Shelley said...

Some very good suggestions..maybe some of your inspiration pics (like you did with the one for the curtain you've been working on)..the direction you'd like the house to go, organizing ideas (you can't get done as much as you do without being organized)..otherwise, take a break and enjoy the last of the season

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