and then,
which led to this.
It took us just under an hour to clear-coat all the floors, and it was almost--almost-- fun! There's just two more standing between us and the rest of our lives.
Maybe that's a little bit over-dramatic, but this house has lately been bringing out my inner Rachel Berry, in a very big way. Now I'm going to go sit and breathe into a paper bag, and wait for coat #2, which happens Friday.

Gorgeous color!
Getting there! Love the floors.
Thanks! This one is my favorite room: our bedroom. I love how the dark floors bring out the wall color.
What I love most about your personal brand of idealism is that you make it real. I love the "rest of your lives" part. Maybe over dramatic for some, but not for you!
"My personal brand of idealism." Ha! Love that. I love your personal brand of idealism, too! Not everything I've dreamed about or idealized has come to fruition, but all in all I'm pretty satisfied with my batting average. :)
I love shiny floors!
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