I flew solo for most of this weekend. Patrick had far-flung gigs both Friday and Saturday nights, so it was I, not us, who loaded the truck and the dog and drove out to G'ville on Friday evening. I spent the entire evening raking, from five-thirty to after eight. The peepers were thrumming. Starlings were wheeling around in the air-- and as much as I hate starlings, they do look beautiful in flight. All around the house, little green nubs are nosing up through the chilly brown earth. Spring is getting a slow start this year, but that's okay. This is the kind of thing that shouldn't be rushed.

Sunday morning, I puttered. I got a little tidy, a little unpack-y, a little lonely. A little playful.

At length, my sweetie returned from the Great White North. At slightly greater length, my sweetie says to me, "Let's take a walk," and so, despite the great winds, we walk. At the center of town, we discover that this is the day for the fabled annual appearance of the Morris Men!

It's just a rite of spring, I guess. So glad we caught it, by chance, on our first spring in town.
Hahaha! That looks like fun (The Morris Men). It makes me want to pull my socks up and go outside to dance with a hanky. I like the bottles.
I love having a "new' yard and waiting to see what pops up!
The bottles are pretty up there. Glad your parents could hang out with you for a while too.
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