Friends, it didn't take long. Four days, to be exact, and driving homeward in the early dark one evening, belting out White Christmas (the Drifters' version, it was on the radio) and seeing all the other homes with their pretty, twinkly lights and Christmas trees inside their front windows... I cracked. I pulled into our driveway, turned off the car and sprinted inside, straight up to the attic, and began hauling down the boxes.
When Patrick came through the door fifteen minutes later, he stopped dead in his tracks: the tree was lit, the stockings were hung, and I was drinking tea from a santa mug. He claims I had a "crazed gleam" in my eye, but I'm not sure about that part.
After dinner, we decorated the tree together. Scenes:

Thanks be to my sweet husband, who gamely indulges me in Christmas preparations. He even endured Christmas music this year, including Little Drummer Boy (Johnny Cash version) my personal favorite. Whoa.
In a couple of weeks, I'll be posting my bloggy Christmas Tree Tour, a link list of fellow bloggers' Christmas trees. If you've got one on your blog (or will soon) leave the link as a comment and I'll be sure to include you in the post!
oh the christmas tree tour is such a good idea. too bad i've decided not to have a tree his year. i love the reindeer costume on your dog!
Lookin' good :) It's so much fun to decorate! And I made Stephen listen to my Dave Brubeck x-mas CD like a million gazillion times yesterday! I'd love to be included in your tour. That's such a cute idea.
Now I'm craving some soy hot chocolate. Mmm.
Ashley, you're already on the list (of course!).
A Dave Brubeck Xmas CD sounds lovely. My personal favorite is dated (but very classic) Nat King Cole.
Your tree looks beautiful, and it seems your husband is as indulging as mine! For us, there are no festials after Guy Fawkes' on the 5th of November, so I was more than ready to put my tree up!
crazed gleam. love it. :)
Everything looks gorgeous! And thank you for your thoughts and comment yesterday, it meant so much.
P.S. I posted pics of our tree and stockings on my own blog. I'd love to be a part of your tree tour this year.
Your tree looks gorgeous! and I totally dig Diesel's new look! Our Petey the Boston Terrier has antlers too!
I'll prolly get round to posting my tree this or next Thursday as part of ColoradoLady's Vintage Thingys Thursday.
Kristina, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I'm not sure how I stumbled onto it, but I enjoy reading about your life and your cooking adventures. I write a blog for the newspaper I work for. My weekly food column is posted as well as stories about my family, especially my mother, who has Alzheimer's, and my dad, who died from the same dread disease in March. Check it out sometime.
Love the idea of a tree tour. I posted mine at
if you want to include.
I've got my tree up on my blog!
John helped me get the tree out of the attic, helped put it together and "fluff" it and then it was up to me and the two year old to decorate it while dancing to Christmas songs. I reveled in the shouts of "look, Mommy, Christmas tree!"
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