Scapes. I don't know why we call them that. They're nothing fancier than unopened garlic flowers, which admittedly doesn't sound very appetizing. Somewhere along the line a sort of Garlic PR person must've decided they'd catch on better if we called them scapes. I don't mind-- it does lead to some excellent puns.

I need not have worried. They were about as potent as your average dill pickles, and, when washed down with ample beer, quite good. At one point, Patrick, myself and three other friends stood in a circle passing the jar around, taking turns extracting the long green garlicky straws within. Furtively passing a jar around and giggling, it might as well have been moonshine.
As I said, addictive. Last night after work, I picked a bundle and, using a recipe for Dilly Beans, did my first canning of the season.
And tomorrow, I make jam!
Find more information on garlic scapes, including how to grow them.

Wow, I'd never seen scapes before, they're crazy lookin! I'd love to see some incorporated into a wildflower bouquet.
oh wow Amanda Nicole - I love that idea of putting scapes in a bouquet! Never had pickled scapes before but I like to make spicy garlic scape pesto for sandwiches.
Great picture of them from above. And while I can't remember Tremors, I do think they look ever so weird.
I've never had them pickled and now I'm curious. They sure do look pretty in your jar. Let us know how the jamming session goes!
Wow, yes, putting them in a bouquet sounds like a great idea. If I had any left, that's what I'd do!
Christy-- I will definitely post the results of my jam session-- however, it won't be tomorrow, as the strawberries aren't quite ready yet. I called. Shucks.
I looove scapes.... I've never had them pickled either, but they're delicious sauteed with a little olive oil and salt!
Their weirdness makes them so awesome! Makes me want to grow some so I have this on my kitchen counter... and then maybe cook them to see what they taste like.
Karli-- I've actually never eaten them any way other than pickled. I've seen lots of pesto recipes around, tho; that might be next on my list.
Blue-- They're super easy to grow.
Wow! you can pickle just about anything cant ya? Fun idea.
I've never seen these before. They look kinda beautiful.
Zoe-- yes, you can pickle anything. I'm waiting for a pickled banana peel recipe to make its appearance. C'mon, there's gotta be one.
Eliana-- they're beautiful in a modern architecture sort of way. Seeing them growing is even better.
you are a genius!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll have to grow more for next year.
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